December 11th GW Game Day – Rynn’s World

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Pedro Kantor watches as the Orks crash into the thin blue line.

It’s been a busy couple of months for me (getting married and touring Korea and Japan tends to take up some of your time) so my apologies for the lack of content on the blog. Thankfully, the stars aligned and I was able to play a game with Matt and Harry before the inevitable Christmas rush. We played to 1250 points, and the mission we rolled up was the Scouring.

Plenty more pics after the break!

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February 1st GW Game Day – Cometh the Red Angel

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Loyalist deployment, clockwise from top: Loken + Justaerin, Vindicator, Marksmen Veteran Squad, Sicaran, Marksmen Veteran Squad, Weapon Masters Veteran Squad, plus Seekers in the Bastion in the middle.

Matt, Harry and I are in the midst of an ongoing Horus Heresy campaign – today’s mission was the Phase I Legendary Battle of the Istvaan series. This mission gave me 2000 points of Loyalists (represented by my Sons of Horus w/ some borrowed armored elements from my Ultramarines and some Seekers from Matt’s Emperor’s Children) and a fortified position, facing off against 3000 points of Traitors (represented here by my Luna Wolves standing in as World Eaters and Harry’s Night Lords)… led by Matt’s converted Angron (more pics and details on that later!).

My Loyalists held the line in a fantastic game – more details after the break.

Continue reading “February 1st GW Game Day – Cometh the Red Angel”

November 9th GW Game Day: Sons of Macragge!


My brand new Sons of Horus took the field for the first time a couple of weeks back, and with the army being only semi-completed I had to rely on the good ol’ Ultramarines to make up the 2500 points. I fielded Abaddon and ten Justaerin teleporting in, along with three Veteran Tactical Squads (two ranged with Marksmen, one with power weapons and Weapon Master) mounted in Rhinos and backed up by a Vindicator. The Ultramarines contingent consisted of a Consul accompanied by Invictarus Suzerains in a Rhino, a Legion Tactical Squad in a Rhino, and the good ol’ Sicaran, which was nothing but disappointing in every game I’ve used it in thus far. Matt fielded 1250 points of his Emperor’s Children, allied with Harry’s 1250 points of Night Lords.

I ended up winning the game, although I have some lucky dice on my part and some un-lucky dice rolling on the part of Matt and Harry to thank. It was my first time playing a fully mechanized force in 30k and I figured the best tactic would be to use my mobility to swamp the objectives with bodies and get stuck into close combat and close-ranged firefights, where the Sons of Horus rules and my squads’ equipment loadouts (BS5, Strength 5, Assault 3, Rending heavy bolters is nothing to scoff at!) would excel.

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Of particular note were the ten-man Justaerin squad led by Abaddon, which attracted and soaked up a metric F-ton of fire while still managing to do some major damage in close combat. Two wounds each and a 2+/4++ save tends to keep models on the board. Even if all they did was get shot at, they still distracted attention from my Veteran squads, who were able to mop up opposing infantry and get dug in on the objectives. The Justaerin’s offensive contributions were really just a bonus.

The Sicaran also (finally) turned in a good performance, getting some key kills on infantry and light /medium vehicles alike. I’ve finally realized that the best way to use this thing is to take advantage of its speed and keep it moving, hopefully positioning it in a way that would let me get some shots on the side and rear of vehicles. The strength 7 of its autocannon isn’t that intimidating at first glance, but with 6 twin-linked rending shots on side and rear armor it’s more than capable of doing some damage.

All in all a fun game with friends, and really that’s all that I can ask. 🙂

Bonus: Brother Luckarius warns his fellow battle brothers of the treacherous Vindicator that claimed the lives of the rest of his squad:

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Game Day – September 11th, 2016: Raven Guard vs. Giant Robots


Matt was kind enough to invite us to his place for some miniature warfare yesterday, and I jumped at the opportunity to christen my newly painted Raven Guard units in a pair of games against Harry’s battlesuit-heavy Tau list and Matt’s mech Blood Angels list. Two very close games were the result, one a close victory and the other a close loss. I was competitive in both games and didn’t get blown out of the water as in previous games – all in all a decent showing for the sons of Corax!

I didn’t take too many pics (too engrossed in throwing dice), but I do have some general observations of my list and the changes I will likely make to it after the break.

Continue reading “Game Day – September 11th, 2016: Raven Guard vs. Giant Robots”